Aralinnoa Admin replied

293 weeks ago

Medal Of Victory Full Movie Download In Hindi Hd

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7cb1d79195 After accidentally shipping a crate of nuclear fusion triggers to Malawi, soldiers Floyd and Stu go AWOL. Back in his old home town, Floyd is mistaken as a war hero and swept up in the local mayoral election. A comically absurd chain of events forces Floyd to decide whether to keep running or face his past and go home again.
When two soldiers on the run are mistaken for war heroes and dragged into the corrupt politics of a small town, murder and mayhem follow not far behind them.
Medal of Victory is a very funny film, but better yet it is an original story that delivers the comedic goods in a unique way. This film begins one way and really ends up taking you down a path that you don't expect. The central theme centers around revenge, with elements of political corruption, which is at the time of me writing this somewhat apropos. While this film is a quirky comedy what really impressed me was the elements of Americana. Everything from the rural landscapes, landmarks, cars (what is more Americana than a red Corvette?) and even small town politics offer an almost nostalgic view of America that sets the stage for a good time.
There's really no other movie quite like this. It's like a happy shot of oxygen. If it reminds me of anything it's definitely the Coen Bros, with the cinematography, the pacing, and the really great casting of everybody including the supporting roles. You're definitely spending time not just watching funny things happen (after a genuinely shocking moment kicks off the main plot), but living in a funny world all unto itself. That's what's missing in a lot of indie comedy, where they just sort of place the camera wherever and don't pay attention to color or production design or a real sense of tone. But this movie is so assured on all those levels, and it's obvious this is just the first of many from this director and team. The music choices are spectacular, it's kind of like the old Warner Bros. cartoons, but something oddly sweeter to it… it's hard to describe. You just gotta see it!!

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